
پیشنهاد کاربران

A hornswoggler is someone who swindles or cheats others, often through deceit or dishonesty. It is a term used to describe someone who takes advantage of people for personal gain.
کسی که اغلب از طریق حیله یا عدم صداقت از دیگران کلاهبرداری می کند یا آنان را فریب می دهد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاحی است که برای توصیف کسی که از مردم برای منافع شخصی سوء استفاده می کند استفاده می شود.
He’s a notorious hornswoggler, always finding new ways to scam people out of their money.
In a conversation about fraudsters, one might say, “The hornswoggler convinced innocent individuals to give him their life savings. ”
A person warning others about a scam might say, “Watch out for that hornswoggler, he’s been targeting vulnerable people in our community. ”
