honor system


(در مدرسه و زندان و غیره - نظام متکی به اعتماد متقابل و فقدان سرپرستی و مراقبت) سازگان اعتماد

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
• : تعریف: an arrangement wherein participants in a particular program, such as students in a school, are trusted to perform various tasks or duties without direct supervision.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• system of trusting people to do what is right without forcing them

پیشنهاد کاربران

⭐Honor System
A system of payments that relies on the honesty of those paying
⭐honour system
a system of payment or examinations which relies solely on the honesty of those concerned
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿 "most hotel minibars have worked on an honour system"
⭐honor system
noun [ C ] US
a system for doing something, such as taking payments, that depends on people who use the system telling the truth
👈🏿 Previously, we operated an honor system, where employees signed statements of residency but these were not verified

حسن ظن ( نسبت به اینکه افراد یک مجموعه مطابق قوانین عمل می کنند و تقلب نمی کنند )
Those who abuse the privileges of the honor system will be penalized.
