
پیشنهاد کاربران

مدرسه در خانه
educate ( one's child ) at home instead of sending them to a school
◀️ ??? Do you go to school
Nope. I'm Homeschooled
⬛ to teach a child at home rather than sending him or her to school :
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️Many parents decide to homeschool their children for religious reasons
◀️All her kids were home - schooled
For those of us who choose to homeschool, it's a huge◀️ commitment

بچه هایی که درخانه درس می خوانند وپدر مادر آنها بچه هارا تدریس میکنن
بچه های ک تو خونه درس میخونن که در این صورت والدینشون به جای معلم به اتها درس میده
خانه تحصیل کرده

غیر حضوری درس خواندن
