holy smoke

پیشنهاد کاربران

ترتیب: قدیمیجدیدرای موافقرای مخالف
مری١٥:٢٤ - ١٤٠٣/٠١/٠٧تقریبا معادل جل الخالق هست، این روزها از پشمام در گفتار عامیانه استفاده میشه
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فرشته عاج٢٠:٠٤ - ١٤٠٢/١١/٠٤ای وای!
برای بیان تعجب یا شوکه شدن از چیزی به کار می رود، اما این تعجب یا شوکه شدن لزوما متبت نیست.
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Farzad١٠:٢٤ - ١٤٠٢/٠٤/٢٥یا دودِ مقدس !
یه اصطلاح عامینه انگلیسی برای بیان تعجب و شگفتی هست .
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A L C Y O N E U S١٣:٠٤ - ١٤٠٠/٠٢/٢٤✳ used to show that you think something is surprising, shocking, or impressive:
I look at my kids and grandkids and think, holy smoke, what kind of world will they inherit?
More examples :::
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Holy smoke! The place was packed!
You're from Chicago? Holy smokes, that's a cool town.
I saw Todd McFarlane's stuff on "Spider - Man" and I was like, "Holy smokes! That's real art!"
There's $1 million in prize money. Holy smoke.
✳ 1 ) An expression to show suprise or exclamation.
2 ) To smoke the reefer in a church
1 ) Holy Smokes! That's Cheyanne Silver in that porno.
2 ) You dogg, won't you come up in here and have ya some holy smokes wit ya brotha ?
✳The special white smoke which comes out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel indicating that a new Pope was elected.
Holy Smoke!. . . we have a new Pope!

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carolin2006١٢:٥٤ - ١٣٩٧/١١/٢٦برای ابراز تعجب و شگفتی بکار میره
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KInG Amir١٣:٢٣ - ١٣٩٦/٠٦/٢١برای ابراز تعجب به کار میره
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