hold your breath

پیشنهاد کاربران

Don't hold your breath : بسهوده دل خودت را صابون نزن
روی هم رفته، این عبارت زمانی بکار گرفته میشه که گویای این باشه که چیزی که مدنظر شماست رخ نخواهد داد.
🔴 used to indicate that something is unlikely to happen
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ next thing you know I'll be knitting baby clothes—but don't hold your breath!

ااکی دل خوش کردن
1. If you're waiting for him to apologize, don't hold your breath.
1. اگر منتظر هستی او بیاید و عذرخواهی کند، بیخود دلت را خوش نکن.
منبع: سایت بیاموز
1 -
to keep air in your lungs and not release it so that you need more
نفس خود را نگاه داشتن، حبس کردن
How long can you hold your breath under water
Forty seconds is the longest I can hold my breath
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Rachel realised she'd been holding her breath and let it out in a big sigh
He stood stock - still and held his breath, not wanting to make the slightest sound
Holding her breath, she slowly turned the door handle
2 -
to wait for something to happen, often feeling anxious
منتظر اتفاقی بودن اغلب همراه با احساس نگرانی و تشویش
Fans held their breath waiting for the final whistle
Now it's a case of holding our breath till we hear the final outcome
She said we might hear from the council next week, but I'm not holding my breath
They might make changes to the tax system, but don't hold your breath
As to whether there will be a resolution to the situation anytime soon, well, don't hold your breath

نفستو حبس کن
hold your breath
منتظر یه اتفاقی بودن که همراه با ترس هست.
Fans held their breath waiting for the final whistle.
تماشگران بی صبرانه منتظر شنیدن صوت پایانی بودند.
