hold sway over

پیشنهاد کاربران

تحت تاثیر قراردادن، اثر گذاشتن بر
The phrase "hold sway over" is often used to describe a situation in which someone has a significant amount of influence or control over others. It suggests that the person in question has the power to shape or direct the actions, thoughts, or feelings of those around them
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این عبارت برای تشریح و توضیح شرایطی بکار می رود که در آن کسی مقدار زیادی نفوذ و کنترل بر دیگران دارد، بعبارتی قدرت شکل دادن و هدایت اقدامات، افکار یا احساسات افراد پیرامونی
The media has long held sway over public opinion, shaping the way that people think about important issues
The political party in power holds sway over the country's economy, making decisions that affect the lives and livelihoods of millions of people
The celebrity's social media presence holds sway over the opinions and behaviors of their millions of followers
The coach holds sway over the team, shaping their strategy and motivating them to perform at their best
The powerful lobby group holds sway over lawmakers, influencing the way that legislation is written and passed

منابع• https://poe.com/s/0NPYfKwf1rLFcRcVPnwu
