hide your light under a bushel

پیشنهاد کاربران

شکسته نفسی
to keep your good qualities and abilities secret from other people
The phrase "hide your light under a bushel" means to keep your good qualities and abilities secret from other people, showing modesty or expressing humility
[مشاهده متن کامل]

خصوصیات و توانایی های خوب خود را از دیگران مخفی نگه داشتن
پنهان نگه داشتن ویژگی ها و توانایی های خوب خود از دیگران، نشان دادن فروتنی یا ابراز تواضع.
"Despite her incredible singing ability, she chose to hide her light under a bushel and avoid performing in front of large audiences. "
"His innovative ideas were so impressive that it was difficult for him to hide his light under a bushel, and eventually, he decided to start his own company. "

hide your light under a bushel
منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hide-your-light-under-a-bushel
