The "heroin chic era" refers to a fashion and cultural trend in the 1990s characterized by models and celebrities who exhibited a gaunt, emaciated look, often associated with drug use, particularly heroin. This aesthetic was marked by pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, and a general air of dishevelment.
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✍️"عصر هروئین شیک" به یک روند مد و فرهنگی در دهه ۱۹۹۰ اشاره دارد که با مدل ها و سلبریتی هایی که ظاهری لاغر و نحیف داشتند، مشخص می شود و غالباً با استفاده از مواد مخدر، به ویژه هروئین، مرتبط بود. این زیبایی شناسی با پوست رنگ پریده، حلقه های تیره زیر چشم و حالتی نامرتب مشخص می شد.
👈مترادف: Drug culture aesthetic, grunge fashion
The heroin chic era sparked debates about the responsibility of fashion magazines in promoting unhealthy body images.
Many models from the heroin chic era faced severe health issues due to their lifestyle choices.
The backlash against the heroin chic aesthetic led to a movement promoting body positivity and diverse beauty standards.