heavy footed


دارای گام های سنگین، دارای قدم های پرصدا، پاسنگین، اهسته وسنگین درحرکت، دل سنگین

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase describes someone who is slow or clumsy in their movements.
فردی را توصیف می کند که در حرکات خود کند یا بی دست و پا است.
The heavy - footed dancer struggled to keep up with the choreography.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

In a conversation about hiking, someone might say, “I’m a bit heavy - footed on the trails, so I always have to be careful. ”
A person describing their own walking style might say, “I’ve been told I have a heavy - footed stride. ”
