
پیشنهاد کاربران

موج هوای گرم. دوره هوای گرم
About one hundred people are reported to have died of sunstroke during a heatwave in northern and central India.
گزارش شده در مدت وجود موج هوای گرم در شمال و مرکز هندوستان حدود صد نفر بر اثر گرمازدگی مرده اند
🌐 کلماتی کاربردی برای بیان هوای گرم:
✅️ balmy – warm and pleasant
✅️ blistering – extremely hot in a way that is uncomfortable
✅️ dog days – the hottest days of the year
✅️ heatwave – a continuous period of very hot weather, especially when this is unusual
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✅️ Indian summer – a period of warm weather in autumn
✅️ scorcher – an extremely hot day
✅️ sunny – not stormy or cloudy
✅️ thaw – ice and snow turns into water
✅️ the heat – very hot weather
✅️ tropical – like weather near the equator, climate that is frost - free
منبع: www. writerswrite. co. za

موج گرما
very hot, , dry period
A period of unusually hot weather
