heart out

پیشنهاد کاربران

از دل و جون
با تمام وجود
از ته دل
My mom worked his heart out for our meal.
مادرم برای غذای ما از دل و جون کار کرد
Eat your heart out : دلت بسوزه - چشمت در بیا
Cry your heart out : بشدت گریه گردن - آبغوره گرفتن
با تمام وجود
with great effort, energy, and enthusiasm
: very hard. The band played their hearts out in hopes of winning the prize. I'd much rather be in a studio and dance my heart out than go to a gym
By all means
از ته دل
با تمام وجود
( one's ) heart out
To the maximum possible degree; as intensely as possible.
What did you say to upset your brother? He's been crying his heart out upstairs for the last half hour!
You all played your hearts out today and gave it everything you had. I'm proud of you.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

your heart out
If you work, dance, sing, etc your heart out, you do it with as much energy as possible. Note: The heart is traditionally regarded as the centre of the emotions. The 12 - year - old will appear on ITV's talent contest, Pot Of Gold, singing her heart out with other would - be stars. She played her heart out through the tournament. Compare with cry your heart out. Compare with eat your heart out.
