heap scorn on

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase “heap scorn on” is an idiom that means to speak about someone or something with contempt, disdain, or disrespect.
صحبت کردن درباره کسی یا چیزی با تحقیر، اهانت یا بی احترامی.
The critics heaped scorn on the director’s latest film, calling it a pretentious and self - indulgent mess.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Some people in the media have been heaping scorn on the new policy, saying that it will only lead to more confusion and chaos.
The opposition party has been heaping scorn on the government’s handling of the crisis, accusing them of incompetence and mismanagement.
It’s easy to heap scorn on someone else’s ideas, but it takes real courage to put your own ideas out there for others to judge.
Despite the negative reviews, some fans continue to heap praise on the controversial artist, calling him a visionary and a genius.

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