
پیشنهاد کاربران

سالم زیستن - سرحال زیستن
( also health span )
the number of years that someone lives or can expect to live in reasonably good health/ "Healthspan" refers to the period of one's life that they are healthy, free from serious diseases that are leading causes of death
[مشاهده متن کامل]

سال هایی که یک فرد زندگی می کند یا می تواند انتظار داشته باشد که در سلامت نسبتاً خوبی زندگی کند
به دوره ای از زندگی اطلاق می شود که فرد سالم و عاری از بیماری های جدی که علت اصلی مرگ است زندگی می کند
The centre exists to improve quality of life and to extend the healthspan of older adults.
These foods are part of the recognized healthy dietary patterns that prevent disease and increase our health span.
We don't know whether it will be possible to substantially extend human life span, but we do think we will learn how to extend human health span.

