head south

پیشنهاد کاربران

Head ( Go ) South
✔️ Decline, get worse
Go south
( idiomatic )
✔️ To become unfavorable; to decrease; to take a turn for the worse
👈🏿 I should have walked away from the casino when my luck went south, but I stayed and ended up in the hole
[مشاهده متن کامل]

head south
✔️ To escape; to vanish or disappear. ( Not necessarily in a southerly direction. )
👈🏿 Everyone in the gang headed south when they learned that the police had discovered their hideout
✔️ To fall or drop; to depreciate; to lose quality or value. ( Especially related to finances or stock exchanges. )
👈🏿 The company's stock profile continued heading south for the third day in a row today
👈🏿 I used to be a big player in the stock market, but all my investments have headed south lately
✔️ To cease working or functioning; to quit, fail, or fall apart
👈🏿 Talks between the labor union and the construction firm headed south yesterday, so it looks like workers will be on strike again soon
👈🏿 My computer is only a month old, and it's already heading south
TheFreeDictionary. com@
go south
American English informal
✔️ if a situation, organization, or set of standards goes south, it becomes very bad although it was once very good
👈🏿 It seems like all our moral standards have just gone south
LongmanDictionary. com@
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⚡خراب شدن اوضاع ( مربوط به مسائل مالی )
