have your nose in a book

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Have your nose in a book" is an idiomatic expression that means to be deeply engaged or absorbed in reading, often to the point of being oblivious to one's surroundings. It is often used to describe someone who is bookworm, a lover of reading, and may be so focused on their reading material that they neglect other aspects of their life.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عمیقاً درگیر یا جذب خواندن/مطالعه شدن، اغلب به حدی که فرد از اطراف خود غافل باشد.
توصیف کسی که اهل کتاب، عاشق مطالعه است و ممکن است آنقدر بر مطالب خواندن خود متمرکز باشد که جنبه های دیگر زندگی خود را نادیده می گیرد.
خوره کتاب بودن
"My sister has her nose in a book all day, every day - she's a real bookworm!" ( Here, the speaker is describing someone who is always reading and loves it. )
"I'm trying to get some work done, but my coworker has his nose in a book and isn't even paying attention to me. " ( Here, the speaker is frustrated because their coworker is so engrossed in their reading that they're not acknowledging their presence. )
"I've been having my nose in a book all week, trying to finish this novel before the deadline. " ( Here, the speaker is describing themselves as being fully absorbed in their reading material. )
