have your knife into someone

پیشنهاد کاربران

to try to upset or harm someone because you dislike them
تلاش کردن برای ناراحت کردن یا آسیب رساندن به کسی به دلیل اینکه او را دوست ندارید
"John has had his knife into his boss for years, ever since he was passed over for promotion. " ( Here, John has a strong dislike for his boss due to a perceived injustice. )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"Sarah's had her knife into her rival since they were kids, and it's been getting worse with time. " ( Here, Sarah has a deep - seated dislike for her rival that has been building over the years. )
"The politician has been accused of having her knife into her opponent, using underhanded tactics to discredit them. " ( Here, the politician is using unfair means to discredit her opponent. )
