have your head in the clouds

پیشنهاد کاربران

Not be concentrating
"Have your head in the clouds" is a common English expression that means to be daydreaming, lost in thought, or oblivious to the reality around you. It implies that someone's mind is not focused on the present moment, but rather wandering off into the realm of fantasy or abstraction.
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عبارت رایج انگلیسی
خیالبافی، گم شدن در فکر یا غافل از واقعیت اطراف
این نشان می دهد که ذهن یک نفر بر لحظه حال متمرکز نیست، بلکه بیشتر در حال سرگردانی به قلمرو فانتزی یا انتزاعی است.
I was trying to talk to John, but he had his head in the clouds and didn't hear a word I said.
Sarah has her head in the clouds, always thinking about her next vacation instead of focusing on her work.
I think the professor had his head in the clouds during the lecture; he kept forgetting what he was saying.
