have your hands full

پیشنهاد کاربران

دستکسی خیلی بند بودن
have ( got ) your hands full
The phrase "have ( got ) your hands full" is an informal idiom that means to be very busy or have a lot to do. It implies being overwhelmed with tasks or responsibilities, leaving little time for additional commitments/ to be very busy or involved with something
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح غیررسمی
خیلی مشغول بودن یا کارهای زیادی برای انجام دادن
این یعنی غرق شدن در وظایف یا مسئولیت ها و زمان کمی برای تعهدات یا کارهای اضافی باقی گذاشتن.
بسیار مشغول بودن یا درگیر بودن با چیزی
I can't take on any more work right now; I already have my hands full.
With the new project deadline approaching, I've got my hands full trying to meet all the requirements.
As a parent of young children, you always have your hands full juggling work and family responsibilities.

have your hands full
منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/have-got-hands-full
