have time off

پیشنهاد کاربران

have/take time off
to stop work, in order to do something else/ This phrase refers to having a period of free time or vacation from work, school, or other responsibilities.
متوقف کردن کار، به منظور انجام کار دیگری، مرخصی گرفتن
[مشاهده متن کامل]

این عبارت به داشتن یک دوره زمانی آزاد یا مرخصی از کار، مدرسه یا سایر مسئولیت ها اشاره دارد.
I asked my boss if I could have some time off from work to go to the dentist.
He took time off from work to care for his son.
She took time off in the mid - '80s to raise her daughter.
If you need to take some time off, just let me know.
https://dictionary. cambridge. org/dictionary/english/have - take - time - off?q=have time off

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