have the last say

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "have the last say" means to have the final word or decision in a discussion, argument, or situation. It implies having the authority or power to make the final decision or to conclude a matter.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

گرفتن تصمیم نهایی در یک موضع قطعی، بحث یا موقعیت.
این به معنای داشتن اختیار یا قدرت برای تصمیم گیری نهایی یا به نتیجه رساندن یک موضوع است.
In negotiations, both parties want to ensure that they have the last say in determining the terms of the agreement.
The teacher always has the last say when it comes to grading assignments and exams.
Despite the heated debate, it was the judge who ultimately had the last say in the courtroom.
