have someone pegged

پیشنهاد کاربران

کسی را با شخصیت یا ویژگی خاصی قلمداد/فرض/ حساب/تصور کردن، خلق و خو، ویژگی کسی را شناختن ,
۱ - To distinctly regard one as being a certain type of person.
۲ - to understand completely the way someone is or who they are
[مشاهده متن کامل]

۳ - have someone sized up
۴ - read someone
۵ - know what makes someone tick
۶ - be wise to someone
۷ - be onto someone
I had you pegged as a coward, but I'm impressed with how you stood up to that criminal.
Everyone's got me pegged as a loser, but I'll show them
