have sb sussed

پیشنهاد کاربران

دو زاریش افتاد
have ( got ) sb sussed
The phrase "have got sussed" means to understand or figure out someone or something completely, often suggesting that the person or thing has been understood thoroughly and accurately.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

درک یا فهمیدن شخص یا چیزی به طور کامل، اغلب نشان می دهد که شخص یا چیزی کاملاً و دقیق درک شده است.
By studying her behavior patterns, we finally have got sussed on why she keeps disappearing every Friday night.
After months of trying, my brother has finally got sussed on how to solve the complex math problem.
We thought it might be difficult to crack the case, but once we interviewed the suspect, we quickly had got sussed on who the real culprit was.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/have-got-sussed
