have one’s back against the wall

پیشنهاد کاربران

🔵Have One’s ) Back Against the Wall ) 🔵
Have few choices, be cornered
1 ) to be in a tough situation with limited options
2 ) to be in trouble and not have many ways out
3 ) to not have retreat from a bad situation
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Zabanelm. com@
🔵have your back to/against the wall🔵
to have very serious problems that limit the ways in which you can act
👈🏿 He owes money to everyone - he really has his back to the wall now
🔵have your back to/against the wall🔵
to be in a difficult situation with no choice about what to do
🔵have your back to the wall🔵
( informal )
to be in a difficult situation in which you are forced to do something but are unable to make the choices that you would like
👈🏿 We had our backs to the wall with no choice but to sell
:Alternative form
have one's back to the wall
عبارت، با مفهوم فارسی:
*یقه گیری و چسبوندن کسی از پشت به دیوار *
( کنایه از در مخمصه بودن - در تنگنا بودن - گیر افتادن و نه راه پیش داشتن، نه راه پس )
*در شرایط سخت با گزینه های محدود قرار گرفتن. *
*در دردسر افتادن و راه های زیادی نداشتن. *
*راه برگشت نداشتن از یک موقعیت بد*
👈🏿 The company has its back against the wall and if the employees don't help out now, it'll be bankrupt soon
👈🏿 I had my back against the wall, health wise, when I had my first child. But she was the reason why I kept trying to get better
👈🏿 No one should be in a situation like that, with their back against the wall, fighting with their loved ones
👈🏿 When you have your back against the wall, you'll have no time to realize what went wrong and how you can correct it
