have a go hero

پیشنهاد کاربران

"A have - a - go hero" is a colloquial expression that refers to someone who takes bold and decisive action, often in a situation where others might be hesitant or unwilling to get involved. This person is not necessarily a trained professional or an expert, but rather someone who takes matters into their own hands and does something to help, often at their own risk.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت محاوره ای
اقدام جسورانه و قاطعانه انجام دادن، اغلب در موقعیتی که دیگران ممکن است مردد یا تمایلی به دخالت نداشته باشند.
این شخص لزوماً یک خبره یا متخصص آموزش دیده نیست، بلکه کسی است که به تنهایی با مشکلی روبه رو می شود.
"The bystander who helped the child escape from the burning building was a classic have - a - go hero - he didn't think twice, he just acted. " ( Here, the speaker is praising the bystander for taking bold action to help someone in need. )
"The local resident who chased down the thief and recovered the stolen bike was a real have - a - go hero - it's not every day you see someone take on a thief like that. " ( Here, the speaker is highlighting the resident's bravery and quick thinking in taking down the thief. )
