have a bone to pick with someone

(عامیانه) از کسی دلخوری داشتن

پیشنهاد کاربران

to want to discuss something someone has done that has angered or annoyed you
پدر کشتگی داشتن با کسی
"To have a bone to pick with someone" is an expression meaning that someone is angry or upset with another person for something they did or said. It means that the person has a complaint or grievance against the other person that they want to discuss or argue about. The expression implies that the person has a strong feeling about the situation and that they want to resolve the issue.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

تعبیری است به این معنا که شخصی به خاطر کاری که انجام داده یا گفته است از شخص دیگری عصبانی یا ناراحت است. به عبارتی شخص از طرف مقابل شکایت یا نارضایتی دارد که می خواهد درباره آن بحث یا گفتگو کند. این عبارت بیانگر این است که فرد احساس قوی نسبت به موقعیت دارد و می خواهد موضوع را حل کند.
بگو مگو کردن با کسی که از او ناراحت و عصبانی هستید.
1. I have a bone to pick with my neighbor for leaving their trash cans in front of my house.
2. After the project failed, I had a bone to pick with my team for not putting in enough effort.
3. She had a bone to pick with her boyfriend for forgetting her birthday.
4. The customer had a bone to pick with the waiter for serving cold food.
5. The teacher had a bone to pick with the student for not completing their homework on time.

میخوام سنگام و باهات وا بکنم
talk to sb about sth annoying that they have done to you
تو یک کاری انجام دادی که منو آزار داده و ما باید در موردش باهم بحث کنیم
با کسی بحث داشتن
ازکسی دلخوری داشتن
ازکسی گله داشتن
از کسی گله یا شکایت کردن
یه چیزی تو گلوم گیر کرده میخوام بهت بگم
