have a bit on the side

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "have a bit on the side" is a colloquial expression that typically means to have a secret or extramarital affair or relationship with someone outside of one's primary or committed partnership. It implies engaging in romantic or intimate interactions with another person in addition to one's main relationship, often without the knowledge or consent of the partner. This phrase conveys the idea of infidelity or being unfaithful in a relationship.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارت محاوره ای
داشتن یک رابطه یا ارتباط مخفیانه یا خارج از ازدواج با شخصی خارج از شراکت اولیه یا تعهدات طرفین .
این امر مستلزم درگیر شدن در تعاملات عاشقانه یا صمیمی با شخص دیگری علاوه بر رابطه اصلی، اغلب بدون اطلاع یا رضایت شریک زندگی فرد است. این عبارت مفهوم خیانت یا بی وفایی در یک رابطه را می رساند.
“She’s been having a bit on the side with her neighbor. ”
In a conversation about trust, someone might say, “Having a bit on the side is a violation of the commitment made in a relationship. ”
A friend might advise, “Instead of having a bit on the side, consider discussing your needs with your partner. ”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-affair/
