has had it

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• ate it; has had enough of it, loathes it, cannot stand it any more, cannot take it any longer

پیشنهاد کاربران

ییکی از معنیاش میشه:
تو دردسر و هچل افتادن
1. To be frustrated to the point of exasperation ( with someone or something ) . In this usage, the phrase can be followed with "up to here" as an intensifier.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- if someone has had it, they are very tired or annoyed and cannot continue with something
💠 I called a babysitter because I've had it with toddler temper tantrums today.
2. [British English] if something has had it, it no longer works and cannot be repaired
- ( of a machine, etc. ) to be in such a bad condition that it is not useful
- To be in complete disrepair; to be completely worn out.
- If something has had it, it is not working any longer
- to become unfashionable
💠 These boots have had it—the sole has completely worn away in some spots.
💠 This old vacuum cleaner has had it.
3. ( of a person, team, etc. ) to be doing so badly that they are certain to fail
- To be in a situation that is unlikely to succeed.
- to have lost one's last chance
- if someone has had it, they are going to fail or die, or be in serious trouble
💠 In my opinion, Sir. what you're doing is useless.
You've got a losing hand.
So the greenhorn is teaching me!
But there's a better way.
Alfonso, get the drinks.
Rather than send fish and gifts. . .
Let Clarkson do as he likes.
I know he wants to close your business and set up his own.
You tell me to let him install his laboratory?
Yes, let him start and then play your cards.
Just a minute, then what do I do?
Exactly what he's doing to you!
Make him lose face.
You bribe some of his employees.
Add 5 or 6 bottles of infected blood to his stock.
3 or 4 people die, then he's had it.
And then you take back his laboratory.
میگم آقا، به نظر من این کارا فایده نداره.
به ضررتون تموم میشه آاا.
حالا تو اَنچوچک به من مشاوره میدی!
ولی آخه یه راه بهتری هم هست.
آلفونسو، اون دوا مواها رو بردار بیار.
من میگم بجای ماهی و پیش کشی و این چیزا. . .
بذارید کلارکسون کارش رو بکنه دیگه.
که چی؟
من میدونم، اون میخواد کار - کاسبی شما رو تخته کنه و خودش یه آزمایشگاه راه بندازه.
خب پس تو توقع داری که من بذارم آزمایشگاهش راه بندازه، آره! بیااا !
نه، حالا جلوش واینسا. بذارید کارش حسابی بکنه بعداً ترتیب ش بدید.
صبر کن، صبر کن، صبر کن. . . چیکار کنم؟
همین چیزایی که اون به شما میگه!
یه کاری بکنید آبروش بره.
با سه - چهار تا از کارگراش رو هم بریزید.
زیادم خرج نداره.
پنج - شیش تا خون فاسد یواشکی قاطی خون هاش کنید.
سه - چهار تا میمیرن، خب کلک ش کنده ست دیگه.
نمیشه آقا؟
نه. نمیشه. .
تازه، اون وقت آزمایشگاهش هم میفته دست خودتون.
💠 The coach is looking for offensively gifted players, so I guess I've had it.
4. To be exhausted; to have no more energy.
- to be exhausted, defeated, or killed
💠 I just got back from a full day at work and a trip to the gym, so I've had it.
5. To be dead.
💠 If the fish is floating at the top of the tank, he's definitely had it.
to have reached the end of one's endurance or tolerance. ( When used with up to here, can be accompanied by a gesture, such as the hand held at the neck. )
💠 Okay, I've had it. You kids go to bed this instant.
💠 We've all had it up to here with you, John. Get out!
