harsh reality

پیشنهاد کاربران

واقعیتِ تلخ
This phrase refers to a situation or fact that is difficult to accept or deal with. It often implies that the truth is harsh or unpleasant.
موقعیت یا شرایطی که پذیرش یا مقابله با آن دشوار است.
اغلب به این معناست که حقیقت خشن یا ناخوشایند است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

The harsh reality is that we can’t afford to go on vacation this year.
In a discussion about the state of the economy, someone might say, “The harsh reality is that many people are struggling to find work. ”
When faced with a difficult decision, a person might say, “I have to face the harsh reality and make the best choice for my future. ”
