hard saving

پیشنهاد کاربران

Hard saving is a term that refers to a strict and aggressive approach to personal finance, where one prioritizes saving and investing over spending and enjoying. It is a trend that is popular among older generations and people who want to achieve financial independence or early retirement.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاحی است که به رویکرد سختگیرانه و افراطی در امور مالی شخصی اشاره می کند، جایی که فرد پس انداز و سرمایه گذاری را بر خرج کردن و لذت بردن اولویت می دهد. این روندی است که در میان نسل های قدیمی و افرادی که می خواهند به استقلال مالی یا بازنشستگی پیش از موعد دست یابند، محبوب است.
He practiced hard saving by living frugally and putting most of his income into a diversified portfolio.
She was not interested in hard saving. She wanted to enjoy her life and spend her money on experiences and memories.
He felt proud of his hard saving habits. He knew he was being responsible and preparing for his future.

منابع• https://www.kpifire.com/blog/hard-and-soft-savings/
