به معنی انتقال چیزی از یک فرد یا یک نسل به فرد یا نسل دیگه ایه. چیزهای فیزیکی مثل ارث و میراث. چیزهای انتزاعی مثل سنت ها و رسم و رسوم.
- The family farm was handed down from generation to generation.
- My grandmother handed down her favorite recipe to me before she passed away.
With long dark hair hanging down
با موهای تیره بلند که دورش ریخته بود
آویزان _معلق
1 ) to let fall below the proper position; to bend down; to decline; as, to hang down the head, or, elliptically, to hang the head2 ) To dangle freely from someone or something. The puppy's droopy ears almost hung down to the ground.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
If you want crepe paper to hang down from the ceiling, you better get a ladder
3 ) hang down ( from someone or something )
to be suspended from someone or something. Grasping vines hung down from the towering trees. Thousands of vines hung down
Thefreedictionary. com@
سرازیر شدن = to let fall below the proper position
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