handi capable

پیشنهاد کاربران

Similar to “handicapable, ” this term emphasizes the abilities and strengths of individuals with physical disabilities, highlighting their resilience and determination.
مشابه ناتوان جسمی/handicapable، بر توانایی ها و نقاط قوت افراد دارای ناتوانی جسمی تأکید می کند و تاب آوری و اراده آن ها را برجسته می کند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

حسن تعبیر کلمه معلول
“She may have a mobility impairment, but she’s incredibly handi - capable. ”
In a conversation about accessibility, one might say, “Let’s ensure our public spaces are handi - capable. ”
A disability advocate might use this term to promote inclusivity, stating, “We need to create a society that recognizes and supports the handi - capable community. ”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-disability/
