gym rat

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to someone who spends a lot of time at the gym, often working out and focusing on their physical fitness. It can be used to describe someone who is dedicated and committed to their fitness goals.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کسی که زمان زیادی را در باشگاه سپری می کند، اغلب ورزش می کند و بر آمادگی جسمانی خود تمرکز می کند.
می توان از آن برای توصیف فردی استفاده کرد که به اهداف تناسب اندام خود متعهد و پایبند است.
مثال ها؛
“He’s a real gym rat, always lifting weights and staying active. ”
In a conversation about exercise routines, one might say, “I admire gym rats who have the discipline to stick to their workout plans. ”
A person might compliment someone’s physique by saying, “You’re a gym rat, your hard work at the gym really shows. ”

کسی که خیلی وقتشو تو باشگاه میگذرونه
A person who spends a long time in the gym
کسی که خیلی زیاد باشگاه میرود
A person who likes to go to the gym a lot
