guerilla testing

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to a form of testing that is done quickly and informally, often without following traditional testing procedures. It involves testing a product or idea in real - world situations to gather feedback and make improvements.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

آزمایشی که به سرعت و غیررسمی و اغلب بدون پیروی از روش های آزمایش سنتی انجام می شود.
این شامل آزمایش یک محصول یا ایده در موقعیت های واقعی برای جمع آوری بازخورد و ایجاد بهبود است.
For example, a software developer might engage in guerilla testing by asking random people on the street to try out a new app and provide feedback.
In a design project, a team might conduct guerilla testing by setting up a temporary display of a product in a public space and observing how people interact with it.
A marketer might use guerilla testing to test different advertising strategies by distributing flyers or samples in unexpected locations.
