
نق نقی، کسیکه مرتب شکایت میکند

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• complainer, whiner (slang)

پیشنهاد کاربران

Griper is a term used to describe someone who constantly gripes or complains about everything. It suggests that the person is never satisfied and tends to focus on the negative aspects of any situation.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

کسی که دائماً از همه چیز گله یا شکایت دارد.
این نشان می دهد که فرد هرگز راضی نیست و تمایل دارد بر جنبه های منفی هر موقعیتی تمرکز کند.
He’s such a griper. He’s always complaining about his job.
A friend might say, “You’re such a griper. Can’t you find anything positive to say?”
In a conversation about annoying habits, someone might mention, “My roommate is a constant griper. It’s exhausting to be around them. ”
