grind my gears

پیشنهاد کاربران

This phrase is used to describe something that irritates or frustrates a person. It often refers to actions or behaviors that go against someone’s preferences or values.
چیزی که فرد را عصبانی یا ناامید می کند
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اغلب به اعمال یا رفتارهایی اشاره دارد که بر خلاف اولویت ها یا ارزش های شخصی است.
People who are always late really grind my gears.
A person might say, “When someone interrupts me while I’m speaking, it really grinds my gears. ”
Another might complain, “The constant noise from construction work outside my window really grinds my gears. ”
