grace under fire

پیشنهاد کاربران

Grace under fire is a phrase that refers to a person's ability to remain calm and composed in a difficult or stressful situation. It implies that the person is able to maintain their dignity and composure even when faced with adversity.
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حفظ آرامش و خونسردی در موقعیت سخت یا استرس زا
دلالت بر این دارد که فرد قادر است حتی در هنگام مواجهه با مشکلات، وقار و خونسردی خود را حفظ کند.
"The pilot demonstrated grace under fire by safely landing the damaged plane. "
"She handled the hostile interview with grace under fire, refusing to let the reporter get under her skin. "
"His ability to remain calm and collected in the face of intense pressure was a testament to his grace under fire. "
