
پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is often used to describe someone who is irritating, obnoxious, or rude. It can be used as a derogatory term to express disdain or frustration towards someone’s behavior.
اغلب فردی که تحریک کننده، نفرت انگیز یا بی ادب است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اصطلاح تحقیر آمیز برای بیان احساس تنفر و نفرت یا ناامیدی نسبت به رفتار شخصی
He’s such a gorby, always interrupting and talking over people.
In a conversation about a difficult coworker, someone might say, “I can’t stand working with that gorby. ”
A person might vent, “I had to deal with a bunch of gorbies at the DMV today. ”
