goldfish memory

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term is used to describe someone who quickly forgets things or has a poor memory, similar to the reputation of goldfish having short memories.
توصیف کسی که به سرعت چیزهایی را فراموش می کند یا حافظه ضعیفی دارد،
[مشاهده متن کامل]

شبیه به شهرت ماهی قرمز که حافظه کوتاهی دارد.
I have a goldfish memory, I can never remember where I put my keys.
A person might say, “I can’t rely on him to remember anything, he has a goldfish memory. ”
Someone might admit, “I have a tendency to forget things easily, I guess I have a goldfish memory. ”

Goldfish memory ( n )
SO who quickly forgets things
