goggle eyed


دارای چشمان بزرگ و برجسته، چشم ورقلمبیده، چشم بیرون زده، لوچ خیره چشم، خیره نگر، دارای چشمان درشت وغلتنده

بررسی کلمه

صفت ( adjective )
• : تعریف: having wide-open, bulging, or rolling eyes, as one who is surprised or amazed.
قید ( adverb )
• : تعریف: with wide-open, bulging, or rolling eyes.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• if you are goggle-eyed, your eyes are wide open in surprise; an informal word.

پیشنهاد کاربران

When someone is goggle - eyed, it means that their eyes are wide open and staring, often due to being surprised or fascinated by something.
وقتی کسی چشم هایش کاملاً باز و خیره هستند، اغلب به دلیل شگفت زده شدن یا مجذوب شدن چیزی.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

چشم ها از حدقه بیرون زده
He sat goggle - eyed, unable to believe what he was seeing.
A person might describe a child as “goggle - eyed with wonder” when they see something new and exciting.
In a discussion about a shocking event, someone might say, “I was goggle - eyed when I heard the news. ”

goggle eyed
