go to the trouble

پیشنهاد کاربران

خود را به دردسر انداختن
به زحمت زیاد افتادن برای انجام کاری
( also take the trouble to do something )
- To make an extra or deliberate effort ( to do something ) .
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- to endure the effort or bother of doing something.
- to make an effort to do something
💠 If the police had gone to the trouble of looking up his record, they would not have released him.
💠 I really don't want to go to the trouble to cook.
💠 Should I go to the bother of cooking something for her to eat? Don't go to the trouble. She can eat a sandwich.
💠 Oh, you didn't have to go to the trouble of preparing the guest bedroom for me
💠 I could have just slept on the couch!
💠 I knew I should do the dishes before going to bed, but I was too tired to go to the trouble.
- [chiefly US]
to do something that causes one extra work
💠 You didn't have to go to all that trouble for me.

Sorry you had to go to the trouble of fixing up our house. Here; i d like to give you sth for the repairs
متاسفم که مجبور شدی برای تعمیر کردن خونمون به دردسر بیفتی، دوست دارم بابت تعمیر چیزی بهت بدم.
زحمت کشیدن برای انجام کاری، تلاش برای انجام کاری. خود را به دردسر انداختن برای انجام کاری
https://idioms. thefreedictionary. com/go to the trouble
