go to head out

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Go to head out" means to leave or depart from a particular place. It's often used as a polite or casual way to signal the end of a conversation or meeting, or to indicate that you're leaving a party or gathering. Essentially, it means that you're going to move towards the exit and leave the area or location that you're currently in.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به معنای ترک یا خروج از یک مکان خاص است. اغلب به عنوان روشی مودبانه یا معمولی برای نشان دادن پایان یک مکالمه یا جلسه یا نشان دادن اینکه شما یک مهمانی یا گردهمایی را ترک می کنید استفاده می شود. اساساً به این معنی است که شما به سمت خروجی حرکت می کنید و منطقه یا مکانی را که در حال حاضر در آن هستید ترک می کنید.
Example sentences:
1. Well, it's been great catching up with you, but I should probably go to head out now and get home.
2. The concert was amazing, but it's getting late and we should go to head out before the traffic gets too bad.
3. I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to let you know that I have to go to head out soon and won't be able to finish the project tonight.
4. Do you want another drink or are you ready to go to head out?
5. After spending the afternoon at the beach, we decided to go to head out and grab some dinner at a nearby restaurant.
