go off grid

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Go off - grid" is a phrasal verb that is commonly used to describe the act of disconnecting from public utilities, such as electricity, water, and gas, and living a self - sufficient lifestyle.
یک فعل عبارتی است که معمولاً برای توصیف عمل قطع ارتباط از خدمات عمومی مانند برق، آب و گاز و داشتن یک سبک زندگی خودکفا استفاده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

1. "After years of living in the city, John decided to go off - grid and build a cabin in the woods. "
2. "The couple installed solar panels and rainwater collection systems to go off - grid and reduce their environmental impact. "
3. "In the event of a disaster or emergency, it's important to have a plan to go off - grid and be self - sufficient. "
4. "Some people choose to go off - grid as a way to escape the stresses of modern life and live a simpler, more fulfilling existence. "
