go nut to butt

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Nut to butt” is a phrase that is used in the military to describe a situation where people are standing or sitting very close to each other, with little or no space between them. It is often used in training exercises or in situations where space is limited/"Nut to butt" is a phrase that is sometimes used in the military to describe a formation where soldiers are standing or sitting very close together, often with their backsides touching. The phrase is meant to convey the idea of a tight, compact formation where there is little room for movement or error.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"Nut to butt" عبارتی است که در ارتش برای توصیف وضعیتی استفاده می شود که در آن افراد بسیار نزدیک به هم ایستاده یا نشسته اند، با فاصله کم یا بدون فاصله بین آنها. اغلب در تمرینات آموزشی یا در شرایطی که فضا محدود است استفاده می شود.
عبارتی است که گاهی اوقات در ارتش برای توصیف آرایشی استفاده می شود که در آن سربازان بسیار نزدیک به هم ایستاده یا نشسته اند، اغلب در حالی که پشت آنها همدیگر را لمس می کنند. این عبارت به معنای انتقال ایده یک ساختار فشرده و متراکم است که در آن فضای کمی برای حرکت یا خطا وجود دارد.
1. "During basic training, the recruits were forced to stand nut to butt in tight formation for hours on end. "
2. "The platoon moved through the narrow alleyway, their bodies pressed nut to butt as they advanced towards the enemy position. "
3. "The soldiers marched in perfect unison, their feet pounding the pavement as they moved nut to butt down the parade route. "
4. "The drill sergeant barked orders as the soldiers lined up nut to butt for inspection, checking each one for uniformity and readiness. "
