give someone the cold shoulder
/gɪv ˈsʌmˌwʌn ðə koʊld ˈʃoʊldər//gɪv ˈsʌmwʌn ðə kəʊld ˈʃəʊldə/
انگلیسی به انگلیسی
پیشنهاد کاربران
نادیده گرفتن و یا رد کردن کسی یا شخصیتی و یا درخواستش
1 - با سردی رفتار کردن ( با ) ، کم لطفی کردن 2 - احتراز کردن
نادیده گرفتن عمدی کسی یا رفتار غیر دوستانه با وی - تحویل نگرفتن - بی محلی کردن - خشک، سرد و غیرخودمونی رفتار کردن
🔴 تعریف از منابع مختلف
◀️ مثال های گوناگون
🔴 to intentionally ignore someone or treat someone in an unfriendly way
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
◀️ I thought she really liked me, but the next day she gave me the cold shoulder : فکر کردم او واقعاً از من خوشش می آید، اما روز بعد بهم بی محلی کرد ( بهم محل نذاشت )
◀️ He got the cold shoulder from his former boss when he saw him at a restaurant
◀️ Most of the other professors gave him the cold shoulder
🔴 to deliberately ignore someone or be unfriendly to them, especially because they have upset or offended you
◀️ After I got the promotion, a few of my co - workers started giving me the cold shoulder.
◀️ So they have given girlfriends the cold shoulder.
◀️ She was sure that at some point she'd given some one the cold shoulder and hurt them badly without noticing.
◀️ Vernon regretted giving Harcourt the cold shoulder; he would have been some one to laugh with.
🔴 To give someone the cold shoulder means to treat someone in an unfriendly way, often by ignoring or showing contempt for the person ( سایت polylanguages. edu )
◀️ When I walked into a luxury store wearing casual clothes with slippers, the sales clerks at the store gave me the cold shoulder : وقتی با لباس های غیررسمی با دمپایی وارد یک فروشگاه لوکس شدم، متصدیان فروش در فروشگاه منو تحویل نگرفتند.
◀️ I thought she was giving me the cold shoulder. I didn’t know she was having difficult times.
◀️ Julia was an uninvited guest. No wonder everyone either ignored her or showed contempt for her at the party.
جمله بالا برابر است با جمله زیر
Julia was an uninvited guest. No wonder everyone gave her the cold shoulder at the party.
◀️ Treating your partner by ignoring or showing contempt, instead of trying to talk things out, can ruin the relationship.
جمله بالا برابر است با جمله زیر
Giving the cold shoulder to your partner , instead of trying to talk things out, can ruin the relationship.
🔴 To ignore someone or be unfriendly.
◀️ I thought we were friends, but the last time I saw him he gave me the cold shoulder.
◀️ “What did you do when you saw your ex - girlfriend?” “I gave her the cold shoulder. ”
◀️ When someone comes to me for help, I never give them the cold shoulder

🔴 تعریف از منابع مختلف
◀️ مثال های گوناگون
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
◀️ I thought she really liked me, but the next day she gave me the cold shoulder : فکر کردم او واقعاً از من خوشش می آید، اما روز بعد بهم بی محلی کرد ( بهم محل نذاشت )
◀️ He got the cold shoulder from his former boss when he saw him at a restaurant
◀️ Most of the other professors gave him the cold shoulder
◀️ After I got the promotion, a few of my co - workers started giving me the cold shoulder.
◀️ So they have given girlfriends the cold shoulder.
◀️ She was sure that at some point she'd given some one the cold shoulder and hurt them badly without noticing.
◀️ Vernon regretted giving Harcourt the cold shoulder; he would have been some one to laugh with.
🔴 To give someone the cold shoulder means to treat someone in an unfriendly way, often by ignoring or showing contempt for the person ( سایت polylanguages. edu )
◀️ When I walked into a luxury store wearing casual clothes with slippers, the sales clerks at the store gave me the cold shoulder : وقتی با لباس های غیررسمی با دمپایی وارد یک فروشگاه لوکس شدم، متصدیان فروش در فروشگاه منو تحویل نگرفتند.
◀️ I thought she was giving me the cold shoulder. I didn’t know she was having difficult times.
◀️ Julia was an uninvited guest. No wonder everyone either ignored her or showed contempt for her at the party.
جمله بالا برابر است با جمله زیر
◀️ Treating your partner by ignoring or showing contempt, instead of trying to talk things out, can ruin the relationship.
جمله بالا برابر است با جمله زیر
◀️ I thought we were friends, but the last time I saw him he gave me the cold shoulder.
◀️ “What did you do when you saw your ex - girlfriend?” “I gave her the cold shoulder. ”
◀️ When someone comes to me for help, I never give them the cold shoulder

بی اعتنایی کردن
رو ندادن به کسی
سرد یا غیر دوستانه برخورد کردن با کسی بدون هیچ دلیلی ، نادیده گرفتن کسی
بی محلی کردن به کسی
کم محلی کردن
1 - سرد برخورد کردن با کسی 2 - تحویل نگرفتن کسی
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١١)