give someone lip

پیشنهاد کاربران

To give someone some lip means to speak to someone in a way which is rude and doesn't show respect. It is a slang term that means to make disrespectful comments to someone or to sass someone.
صحبت کردن با کسی است بطور بی ادبانه و احترام نگذاشتن. این یک اصطلاح عامیانه است که به معنای اظهار نظرهای توهین آمیز نسبت به کسی یا گستاخانه صحبت کردن با کسی است.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I asked my son to clean his room, but he gave me some lip instead.
The customer gave the waiter some lip when he was told that the restaurant was out of his favorite dish.
I don’t tolerate anyone giving me lip in my classroom.
When the teacher asked him to stop talking, the student gave her some lip and was sent to the principal’s office.

To speak to someone rudely or without respect.
با کسی بی ادبانه و خارج از نزاکت یا تند صحبت کردن.
Example 1: 👇
You'll get in trouble if you give him any lip
تو دردسر میوفتی اگه باهاش تند ( بی ادبانه ) صحبت کنی
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Example 2: 👇
That rude young boy gave me some lip when I asked him to stop smoking
وقتی به اون پسر بی تربیت گفتم سیگار نکش، با لحنی زشت به من بی ادبی کرد.
Example 3:👇
LUCKY: Don’t get fresh, girlie, don’t give me lip. You can talk how you want when you’re with your own kind, but you show some respect when you’re with Lucky. Smart alecks. ( Moonchildren - a play by Michael Weller )
با من قاطی نشو دختر جون ، بی نزاکتی ممنوع. وقتی با امثال خودت هستی، هر جوری دلت بخواد می تونی حرف بزنی ولی وقتی با لاکی ( من ) هستی باید احترامش رو نگه داری. عقل کل ها.
قطعه انتخابی از نمایشنامه ی مایکل وِلِر است
