give someone a run for his or her money

پیشنهاد کاربران

give someone a run for his/her/their money
to not allow someone to win easily
The meaning of “give someone a run for his/her/their money” is to challenge someone’s ability, fortitude, or patience by trying hard and performing well. It is often used in a friendly or humorous way to show admiration or sympathy for someone who is doing something difficult or unpleasant
[مشاهده متن کامل]

اجازه ندادن به کسی که به راحتی برنده شود
معنای اصطلاح این است که با تلاش سخت و عملکرد خوب، توانایی، صلابت یا صبر کسی را به چالش کشیدن. اغلب به صورت دوستانه یا طنز برای نشان دادن تحسین یا همدردی با کسی که در حال انجام کاری دشوار یا ناخوشایند است استفاده می شود.
The newcomer gave the reigning champion a run for their money in the tennis tournament.
The underdog team gave the favored team a run for their money in the championship game.
The up - and - coming artist gave the established painter a run for their money in the art show.

to be as good at something as someone who is extremely good
E. g. He’ll give those professional players a run for their money
Cambridge Dictionary@
