give left nut

پیشنهاد کاربران

Give ( one’s ) left nut ( for/for something ) ( American slang ) meaning:
to give everything ( literally, one's left testicle ) ; in other words, to want something very much = give an arm and a leg = give/pay a pretty penny = give one’s eye - teeth.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

( برای رسیدن به یا بدست آوردن چیزی یا انجام کاری ) دار و ندار رو دادن؛ خودکشون کردن؛ سر از پا نشناختن؛ زمین و آسمان رو بهم رسوندن/بافتن؛ سر رو دادن؛ هستی رو دادن
Examples: 👇👇
1. I would give my left nut to be in a more exciting profession than this. I knew I should have become an astronaut.
2. WILLIS: Listen. When the neighbors try to tell ya about when they was young don’t believe it. It’s a lotta bull, and I should know. When we was young it was so boring you fell asleep when you was twenty and you never woke up again. You hear them stories Lucky tells about the war? Crap. He’s sittin’ down there holdin’ his dick watchin’ Doris Day on television. He’d give his left nut to know what’s happenin’ up here. ( Moonchildren - a play by Michael Weller. )
