give cards

پیشنهاد کاربران

Give SB/STH cards
کارت مشخصات صادر کردن برای کسی یا چیزی
e. g.
A: Didn't I see you with your father?
B: Yeah.
A: Where is he?
B: I dunno.
A: Cross them out, and give them cards.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مگه من دیروز بعدازظهر تو رو با بابات ندیدم؟
چرا ( همینطوره )
بابات کو؟
چه میدونم.
( شاغلام ) اسم این دوتا رو خط بزن، کارت براشون صادر کن.
کاربرد idiomatic هم داره
Give Someone Their Cards
get one's card
be given one's card
get/be given your cards
1 ) If someone is given their cards, they lose their job.
2 ) to be told that you no longer have a job : be laid off
3 ) to have your job taken away from you
e. g.
Thousands of factory workers have been given their cards in recent months.
