get your shit together

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• urge someone strongly to get organized (slang)

پیشنهاد کاربران

آدم باش
به خودت بیا
آدام اول
۱. بزرگ شو ( بچه نباش. دیگه بسه ) * مهمترین معنی*
۲. معنی دومش فقط توسط دوستای نزدیک به هم باید استفاده بشه که اوکیه در غیر اینصورت میتونه زننده باشه ( در اینجا هم معنی هست با Get it together )
در اینجا معنیش میشه جمع کن خودتو ( که میتونه مثبت و دوستانه گفته بشه یا منفی و غیرسودمند )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

۳. افکار، احساسات و اعمالت را جمع و جور کن ( تا بتونی تمرکز کنی روی یک چیز )
تعریف اول :
The meaning of “get your shit together” will change slightly depending on the context.
In the most general meaning, it can mean “get your life together” or “straighten up. ” As in, change course and do the right thing. Be an adult.
Example: Your roommate didn’t pay rent for 3 months and isn’t even trying to make money or pay you back: “Get your shit together! I can’t be paying your rent for you. ”
It can also be used for a specific moment, as well as a similar phrase, “get it together”. This phrase, when said by a trusted friend with good intentions, can be ok, but otherwise, it is very harsh
Positive Example: Your best friend is crying right before a big interview: “Get it together. You can do this! You’re great!” ( You are giving a pep talk
Negative Example: Your friend just had a breakup and is crying to you about it: “Get your shit together. It’s no big deal. ” ( You are being insensitive and unhelpful. )
And as Craig Weiland already stated, it can mean get your stuff together, or “pack up. ”
As with any curse words, proceed with caution if using these phrases. Some people will be offended.
تعریف دوم :
The phrase “Get your shit together” generally means that you need to gather or collect yourself together, including your thoughts, emotions, and actions so you could concentrate and focus on achieving something successfully
تعریف سوم :
Typically this is referring to someone who is partying too much or still acting like a child. Its time to grow up get a job/go to school and get on your own. Someone is tired of seeing you waste your life or taking care of you.

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