get unwound

پیشنهاد کاربران

To get unwound means to relax or release tension, especially after a stressful or busy period of time1. For example, you might say “I need to get unwound after a long day at work” or “She likes to get unwound by listening to music”.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

به معنای آرام بودن یا رها کردن تنش است، به ویژه پس از یک دوره زمانی پر استرس یا پرمشغله.
After a long day of work, I like to get unwound by reading a good book.
She always gets unwound by listening to her favorite music.
He needs to get unwound before he goes to bed, otherwise he can’t sleep well.
They decided to get unwound by going to the spa for a relaxing massage.
You should get unwound once in a while, it’s good for your health.

